The perfect flavor combo--prosciutto, Provolone, pesto, and roasted bell peppers--on rustic bread and toasted in a panini press makes a great lunch or...
This cookie-brownie combo is the best of both worlds--moist, chocolaty brownies are layered with chewy chocolate chip cookie dough to make a bar that satisfies...
You've got everything you need in just one-skillet . . . garlic-seasoned chicken breasts on a bed of rice mixed with colorful vegetables. Getting dinner...
It looks like rice, it tastes like rice, but it's not! And no one will ever know, unless you tell them. This quick and easy Fried Rice recipe tastes like...
Johnsonville Italian Sausages make it simple to enjoy authentic Italian flavor. This classic lasagna dish is made so much easier when you've got Johnsonville...
No need for takeout when you can make our delicious Roasted Red Pepper Panini right at home. Country Crock® Spread, basil, and garlic make a creamy pesto...
After you try this recipe, it will be difficult to make asparagus any other way. You'll see how roasting the asparagus brings out exquisite flavors that...
The three ingredients that go into this appetizer will fill your kitchen with an irresistible aroma that draws friends and family from all corners of the...
An Asian-inspired version of a Philly cheese steak--thinly sliced steak is cooked with onion, cheese spread, and a splash of teriyaki sauce, and served...
A spicy Southern dish, Shrimp & Sweet Corn Maque Choux is satisfying and ready in under 30 minutes. This is my recreation of the Emeril Lagasse dish we...
These fresh grilled fruit and veggie kabobs are a great healthy dinner your family will love. Plus, using aluminum foil prevents these kabobs from sticking...
Our recipe for Easy Creamy Mac 'N Cheese has only 5 ingredients and is on the table in less than 30 minutes. What's not to love about that?! Whether you...
A chicken and corn soup with a hint of cumin, chili powder, and jalapeno giving it a Southwestern flair. Add some half & half and you have a rich and satisfying...
In this super quick preparation, salmon fillets are brushed with Dijon mustard and quickly grilled, then served with a creamy mustard sauce with herbs...
This Moroccan-inspired roast chicken will become your new favourite Sunday night dinner. Making the whole meal in a roasting pan means you can just pop...
A simple pan sauce can transform an everyday boneless, skinless chicken breast into a quick and delicious meal. For a finishing touch, garnish with a sprig...
This saucy classic pairs cooked chicken or turkey with broccoli in a cheesy sauce, which stirs together easily. Bake until piping hot and serve with hot...
Serve this lemony goat cheese salad as a side dish or as a meal with crunchy walnuts and tender butterhead lettuce. Each tangy-fresh salad offers fewer...